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C Program - Write a program to accept an mXn matrix and display an m+1 X n+1 matrix such that the m+1th row contains the sum of all elements of corresponding row and the n+1th column contains the sum of elements of the corresponding column
C Program - Write a menu driven program to perform the following operations on a square matrix. Write separate functions for each option
C Program - Write a program to add and multiply two matrices. Write separate functions to accept, display, add and multiply the matrices. Perform necessary checks before adding and multiplying the matrices
C Program - Write a program to accept a matrix A of size mXn and store its transpose in matrix B. Display matrix B. Write separate functions
C Program - Write a program to accept n number and display the array in the reverse order. write separate function to accept and display
C Program - Write a recursive C function to print the digits of a number in reverse order. Use this function in main to accept a number and print the digits in reverse order separated by tab
C Program -  Write a recursive function to calculate the nth Fibonacci number. Use this function in main to display the first n Fibonacci numbers. The recursive definition of nth Fibonacci number is as follows